Washington Post Covers Lawsuit Seeking Information on Cruel Kitten Experiments at USDA

Today the Washington Post covered a new Freedom of Information Act lawsuit that my office filed on behalf of White Coast Waste Project seeking to compel the Department of Agriculture to provide information on cruel experiments to kittens.

Using documents obtained through an earlier FOIA request, White Coat Waste showed that the USDA Agricultural Research Service laboratory breeds up to 100 kittens a year, feeds the 2-month-old kittens Toxoplasma-infected raw meat, collects their feces for 2-3 weeks to harvest the parasite for use in other experiments, and then kills and incinerates the kittens.

White Coat Waste requested to protocols governing these experiments, but the USDA has, to date, refused to provide them. So we’re suing for them.

In response to White Coat Waste’s exposé of these experiments, Representative Mike Bishop (R-Mich.) and Representative Jimmy Panetta (D-Calif.) introduced the Kittens in Traumatic Testing Ends Now (KITTEN) Act (H.R. 5780), aimed at ending USDA testing that causes pain to cats or kittens.

Tell Congress to pass the bipartisan KITTEN Act to defund these deadly taxpayer-funded experiments and urge USDA to adopt out the cats.